Jennie’s Testimony for Grandma

When I was 3, I had these 2 canaries—one was blue and the other green. We bought them together and so for their whole lives, they’ve only had each other. One day, as I was feeding the two, the blue bird flew out of the window. My mom quickly came and closed the window, before scolding me on my carelessness. For a several days following, the green canary refused all food and any attention. She sat there with her head down, ridden with depression and loneliness. A week later, my mom walked into the laundry room in where we kept the cage; I followed right behind her. She let out a scream and shielded me from the scene ahead, as that will be the first time I’ll see death. The green canary committed birdy suicide, because she couldn’t live without her partner.

When I was younger, I would romanticize the story by saying these birds were lovers; as I’m older now, it’s quite possible to me that these canaries were no more than just siblings. Either way, losing a loved one or a relative sends daggers to your heart just the same.

I didn’t mean for my opening to start off so grim, but truthfully, I’ve always found this story quite hauntingly romantic, in the same classic way that we view Romeo and Juliet.

Death is predictable; what is unpredictable though is how people react to death. I knew that my most recent trip back to China was to see my grandma for the last time. My feelings were tumultuous—ranging from disbelief to distress. My mother, however, was a beacon of strength. Although it must have been a time of immense loss for, she dealt with the situation with such calmness.

I, on the other hand, felt like the only pure, untainted love was gone from my life. She was always this bright, positive, acquitted figure that was a large part of my formative years. Anytime I was brought down, she brought me up. First few years of my life, I was such a brat—and she had to deal with me. I’d scratch her face when we’ll play. My mom said that she’ll come home to my grandmother, painted with the colors from our coloring session together. I was like a cat, and she’ll be the one to clean up my litter. They say “no one can love you as unconditionally as a grandparent”, so to lose that felt like an end of innocence to me.

My grandpa passed away less than two years after his lover was gone. Even though my mom had this façade of strength, I knew how much she must have been hurting inside—because how can you not? All the things we say about a death, “they’re in a better place”, “I’m so sorry”, it all seems so useless when you hear it for the first time, doesn’t it? You could only be completely, gratingly honest about your own emotions. I told my mother that grandpa passed away, because he simply did not want to live without grandma.

For two people who have been together for over 6 decades, how can anyone fathom what life is like without the other. I didn’t know too much about their relationship, only that my grandma cooked, cleaned, nurtured him and their 5 children tirelessly for her entire lifetime. When someone loses their lifetime partner, nothing will ever replace the emptiness that dwells in the home that both of them shared. The silence overpowers the ruminating echoes of their voice.

After hearing the news of my grandpa’s passing, after my stomach dropping, after the shock, pain, anger, depression, upward, reconstruction… I found my atonement.

A flashback to 18 years ago, I was 3 again. Instead of letting out 1 bird, I let out both. The green canary flew away and finally found his partner.

在我三岁那年,妈妈的好朋友送给我两只金丝雀,一蓝一绿,相依为伴。一天,当我给他们喂食时,那蓝鸟乘机飞出了笼子。妈妈还来不及怪我,先把鸟笼关上了。在接下来的几天日子里,那绿鸟不吃不喝,垂头丧气,背负忧伤,承受孤单。一个星期后,妈妈走进鸟笼所在的洗衣房,我跟在后面。只听到她尖叫一声并把我挡在身后,因为那鸟 - 死了,妈妈不想让年幼的我看到死亡。那鸟因失去同伴而不愿苟且偷生,宁愿绝食而亡。

—Written in 2014, in memory of my grandparents

Words of Encouragement

“If you don’t feel accomplished, go do something then. Stop feeling so sorry for yourself. Remember what makes you happy. Your goals.

Go be outside. Move. Get off your phone. No one is on there. Create. Observe. Listen. Think.”

Question: What are your long-term career goals?

Answer: I want to be a creative strategist for a growing company that will impact the world for better, rather it be about social justice, sustainability or building human connection.

“I am thankful for: my body, my endurance, my breath control”

“Affirmation: You are strong. You can do it.”

“I had a dream couple of weeks ago of me running. I was running away from something and I can’t remember the reason but I remember me whispering ‘You can do it. Run for your birthday.’ So I woke up and knew exactly what I had to do this year.”

“I surrender to: my intentions, loving myself, and the people around me fully”

Question: What gets you out of bed every day?

Answer: Being surrounded by passionate people who want to change the world for the better.